The Light We Need In Dark Times

The Light We Need in Dark Times by Natalie Abbott

“Please help me stay in communication with You through my spoken words, thoughts, and songs. When I spend ample time absorbing Your Word—letting it soak into my mind—it changes the way I think and live. As I ponder who You really are, Your Light shines warmly into my heart and blesses me with Peace.”

– Jesus Listens, October 31st

“Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise Him, my Savior and my God.” (Psalm 42:5) 

These are the words I’ve been saying to myself. 

Words on repeat. Words I need. But here’s the funny thing: if you looked at me from the outside, you’d probably be surprised that words like these resonate with me at all. Words about being downcast or disturbed don’t seem to fit. In fact, if you peered through the windows of my life—or better yet, scrolled my social grid—you’d see a lot of good, a lot of reasons for gratitude and celebration and joy. And truly, there are. So often I am grateful. I do celebrate. I feel that joy. 

Except when I don’t. 

My real life doesn’t have a rose-colored filter. There are darker things you won’t see from the vantage point of my front lawn. And while they may be less visible things, they are certainly more central things—things that burden and worry me, things that make me wonder why. Why is this so hard? Why is this happening? Why does this weigh me down so much? It’s times like these when the words from Psalm 42:5 come pouring out: “Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me?” Despite all the good, I do feel down, I am disturbed. Yes, I have so many reasons to rejoice. But those desperate, even depressed feelings need a voice, too. And so the words in this verse are the words I say when I feel uncertain, down, and dark. 

But these words are also the light. 

They beckon me out of the dark. They coach my despairing soul to say, “Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise Him, my Savior and my God.” Oh man, these words. In those dark times, they are the glimmer of a prayer. Lord, help me put my hope in you, not my circumstances. Let praise rise up in my soul where there is no praise. You are my Savior and my God. See me. Save me. This is the well-lit place where the seed of my hope can grow: in the light of a God who saves, who has never abandoned me, who never will. Not now. Not ever. And so my soul finds hope and my heart begins to swell with praise, as I say the words that coach me back out into the light. 

What about you? 

Do you have words like these? Words that you say in your honest despair? Words that coach your soul back towards hope? God’s own words for you? I hope you do. Because let me tell you something, you need them. You need better words than any words I (or anyone else) could give you. You need better words than the words you say to yourself. You need God’s words for you—not just on your phone or in that book on your bedside table—but deep in you, at the ready, to coach your heart when you wake with worry, or wait in that sterile room, or pray over your friend. You need God’s words in you for every circumstance, and for you right now. So let me encourage you: memorize a verse today. You can do it! Let me teach you the easiest way: 

  1. Find a verse that speaks to you or your situation. Maybe Psalm 42:5.
  2. Write that verse on a notecard. 
  3. On the opposite side, write the first letter of every word in the verse. For extra quick learning, write those same letters in pen on the back of your hand. 
  4. Practice saying the verse while you look at the full verse on the notecard. Flip the card over (or look at your hand) and try saying it by just seeing the first-letter version. Keep practicing and quizzing yourself throughout the day until you have it memorized. 

That’s it. It’s a simple spiritual practice that you can incorporate into your life for big results. Can you imagine? I mean really imagine with me: how would your life look differently if God’s good words were what you were speaking to yourself? What if you learned verses about God’s kindness, peace, presence, or His enduring love for you? What if you spoke God’s truth to combat the lies of the enemy? What if you shared God’s wise words with other people? This is all possible, even right now. There is so much truth and power and goodness jam-packed into every single verse from God. Why not learn one today?

About the Author

Natalie AbbottNatalie Abbott is passionate about helping people get God’s Word in their hearts and minds. Along with her equally passionate sister, Vera Schmitz, Natalie co-founded Dwell Differently, the easy-button for Scripture memory. Natalie co-hosts the Dwell Differently Podcast, and she co-wrote the Dwell on These Things Bible study and Dwell Differently: Overcome Negative Thinking with the Simple Practice of Memorizing God’s Truth. Natalie loves reading fiction, drinking hot tea, going on dates with her husband, and hanging out with her five growing kids.


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