On this episode of Jesus Listens: Stories of Faith, we’re talking with YouTuber Rob Kenney, the creator of the popular “Dad, How Do I?” videos. …
prayer for guidance in a relationship
Praying for Our Teens

“If my teens are doing something wrong, Lord, please let them get caught.”
Believe it or not, when I began writing Praying the Scriptures for …
5 Tips to Help Teens Navigate Their Busy World

When you walk around the house, it’s probably not hard to see you have teenagers living there. Backpacks in random corners. Coffee tables piled with …
Transforming Relationships Through Prayer: Joel & Nina Schmidgall & Darlene Brock

Pastors Joel and Nina Schmidgall and writer Darlene Brock are finding balance in their lives by they committing their closest relationships to prayer and giving …