Life in His Presence

Book cover of A Jesus Calling Guided Journal, Life in His Presence
Jesus Calling podcast #214 featuring Jesus Calling LIFE IN HIS PRESENCE journal
Life in His Presence book interior pages
Life in His Presence book on table with candle

Life in His Presence

Guided Journal

by Sarah Young

Life in His Presence calls us to a new experience reflecting on the truths of Jesus Calling as we take another step on our spiritual journey.

Including more than 100 guided experiences, each one offers:

  • an excerpted devotion from Jesus Calling
  • a key Scripture verse
  • journaling prompts
  • memorable quotes

Although suited for individual use, Life in His Presence also lends itself to prayer partners and intimate small groups.

Combining biblical wisdom, beautiful design, and the encouraging words of Sarah Young, Life in His Presence is a wonderful reminder to each of us that God loves for His children to draw near.

Life in His Presence

Guided Journal

Available In: Hardcover

ISBN: 9781400219278

Number of Pages: 224

Copyright: 2020

Language: English