Our Father…
“I am a shield for all who take refuge in Me. When you feel afflicted or afraid, come to Me and say: ‘Lord, I take …
5 Tips to Help Teens Navigate Their Busy World
When you walk around the house, it’s probably not hard to see you have teenagers living there. Backpacks in random corners. Coffee tables piled with …
Steps of Faith
“Follow Me one step at a time. That is all that I require of you. Keep your mind on the present journey, enjoying My …
When Life is Hard, God is Near
As a young husband and father of two, holding down two jobs and taking extra work, life was hard. But no one is supposed to …
Finding Joy When Your Heart Hurts
“You can find joy in the midst of brokenness. One of the hardest times to be joyful is when you’re dealing with multiple problems —seeking …
Make Sure the Holiday Is What You Desire
The Christmas season is so, so exciting. It gets us in touch with so much that is important: the message of God’s gift of Jesus …
Giving Away Good News Across the Street and Around the World
In my daily devotionals growing up, somehow I missed the good news that Jesus could save me on earth in physical and emotional ways—even though …
Rachel Hollis Shares Excerpt from Girl, Wash Your Face
When Rachel Hollis spoke on the Jesus Calling® podcast she shared one of the hardest seasons of her faith journey. Here is excerpt from …
Finding Peace in the Storm
I’ll never forget the day our family buried my mom. I remember wishing that the overcast sky would better reflect my emotions if it were …
Choices in a Faith Journey
In 2012, my word for the year was risk. My daily devotional consisted of studying risk takers, AKA crazy people, in the Bible. It …